15. the desert
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After escaping Egypt 🇪🇬 for good, Moses was leading a big group of people called the Israelites through a huge, hot desert. 🏜️ The desert seemed to go on forever and had no food or water. The people were hungry 🤤 and tired. 😴
But God loved the people and wanted to take care of them. So God did something amazing! 🤩 Every morning, when the people woke up, they would find special food called "manna" 🥖 spread all over the ground. The manna was like tiny white flakes ❄️ that tasted sweet, and it was just enough food for everyone to eat 🍴 that day.

Sometimes, God also sent lots of birds 🐦 called quail. The quail flew into the camp, ⛺️ and the people could catch them to have meat for dinner. When the people were very thirsty, God made water 💦 come out of a big rock! 🪨 Moses hit the rock with his walking stick, and water suddenly started flowing, giving everyone plenty to drink. 💧

God showed the people that He was taking care of them, even in the middle of the big, empty desert. 🌵 He gave them food 🥘 and water 💦 every single day, and helped them stay safe on their long journey.
14. the exodus / 15. the desert / 16. the ten commandments