3. noah
/ genesis 6:5-9:17 /
/ listen as you follow along /

Long after the children of Adam and Eve spread out into the world, God saw that people were not being kind to each other. 😡 God was sad 😔 and wanted to help the world start over. God spoke to a good man named Noah and told him to build a very big boat called an ark. 🚢
Noah listened carefully to God's instructions. He worked hard 😅 and built a huge boat, even though some people thought he was silly. 🤪 Noah was patient and kept working.

When the boat 🚢 was finished, God told Noah to bring two of every kind of animal - two elephants 🐘🐘, two lions 🦁🦁 , two giraffes 🦒🦒, and many more! The animals came to Noah, and he helped them onto the boat.
Then it started to rain ☔️ - not just a little rain, but a big, whopper amount of rain! 🌧️ Water covered the whole earth. 🌍 But Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe inside the big boat. 🙏

After many days, the rain stopped. The boat landed on a mountain 🏔️, and when Noah opened the door, he saw a beautiful rainbow 🌈 in the sky. God had made a promise to Noah that He would never flood the whole world again.

Noah was happy 😊 and thankful. He took care of the animals and started a new life with his family, remembering God's love and protection.
2. adam and eve / 3. noah / 4. tower of babel